Award-winning journalist Katie Couric sets out across the U.S. speaking with historians, doctors, activists, everyday women and more in the narrative series “Abortion: The Body Politic.”

WHAT: This June, the Supreme Court is expected to gut Roe v. Wade. This astonishing move follows the passing of several state laws blocking the right to abortion across the country. The historic reversal will immediately trigger restrictive abortion laws in at least 23 states. But what does that really mean for the people impacted by this stunning turn of events? Katie Couric set out to bring a voice to the voiceless in a limited narrative series from her iHeartRadio Original Podcast with Katie Couric Media, “Next Question with Katie Couric” titled “Abortion: The Body Politic.”

The guaranteed right to safe, legal abortion was established forty-nine years ago in the landmark Roe v Wade decision, which instantly changed the lives of millions of citizens. Since then, the rest of the world has seen a trend of liberalizing abortion laws over the past 25 years. Yet the United States is now on the precipice of rolling back this health right.

The six-episode special series, months in the making, became more relevant than ever when an unprecedented leak of a draft decision confirmed what many feared: Roe v. Wade is poised to be overturned by the conservative-led Supreme Court this summer. The narrative series weaves together interviews with historians, doctors, researchers, abortion activists, clinic staff, reproductive justice leaders and people who have had abortions. “Abortion: The Body Politic” was created in an effort to understand how we got here, and what a post-Roe world looks like.

To get a preview of what the limited series will cover, listen to a bonus episode of “Next Question with Katie Couric” that unpacks the bombshell leaked draft and the fallout HERE.

WHO: Katie Couric (@katiecouric) is an award-winning journalist, #1 New York Times best-selling author of her memoir, “Going There,” and a co-founder of Stand Up To Cancer and her eponymous media company, Katie Couric Media (KCM). KCM’s current projects include a daily newsletter, “Wake-Up Call”; podcast, “Next Question”; original video, including short-form digital series, as well as documentaries and scripted series. You can find it all at

Joined by guests like Gloria Steinem; Mary Ziegler, foremost abortion law expert;  Jessica Chastain, Academy Award-winning actress; Busy Philipps actress and activist; Dr. Warrer Hern abortion doctor; and more, Couric leaves no stone unturned as she unpacks the political and societal toll of a landmark case being overturned.

WHEN: The first episode of “Abortion: The Body Politic” premieres Thursday, June 9, with new episodes released weekly on Thursdays. Listen to the official trailer now, HERE.

WHERE: Listen to “Abortion: The Body Politic” through the “Next Question with Katie Couric” feed on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

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